giovedì 24 aprile 2008

che cazzo fate, gli italiani?

So this morning I was heading to class and the metro wasn't functioning. Whatever, I walked and was late (usually I walk, but sometimes when I run late I take the metro because its a bit faster).
Later, I find out that someone had jumped in front of a moving train. Oh boy, what a way to go.

APPARENTLY, this is common in Milan (can anyone help me out? Does this happen frequently in New York? Do I live under a rock?).

I had heard a while ago that Italians are the most unhappy people on earth. Silvia told us yesterday in class that their population is decreasing because nobody's procreating ("my Davide--one child for everyone in Milan...!"). I wonder why this is--with all the prosciutto and more than decent wine you could want, why would you be so unhappy?

This country is really cool, but so goddammed backwards (and apparently, really really bogged down with Mafia problems, especially in the south), and its no wonder that they aren't cultural pioneers (I suppose their time died when the renaissance did?). My friend Ross says its because they're so complacent. I might have to agree, I went through a point in time during my life where I got everything I wanted and all I wanted to do was go to sleep and never wake up because I was so bored.

WELL. How uplifting a confession! Times have changed, though (I like waking up. Well, most mornings, anyway...). But hopefully times will change for Italy, too. Although I think their government has to change if that's gonna happen...

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