lunedì 28 aprile 2008

this is my stop

Ok so I've figured it out. here's what Italy is like:

You want to get a book from your school library. So you go online, search, and request your books in a foreign language. You can't just go into and surf the stacks because they make people get your books FOR YOU (are you capable of doing it yourself? Are YOU up to the challenge of physically searching for your own books? Italy says no).

THEN, you're all set to go to Universita Cattolica but no map really tells you WHERE the library is. So you go to your academics advisor who doesn't know where it is and she has to CALL them to find out how you get there. It's still not on a map so she tells you the general direction. THEN you have to go to Cattolica and try and find the library, which is away from the two cloistered main sections, through several corridors and courtyards and clusters of buildings to find some building named after a (wait for it) Italian Saint.

THEREAFTER, you go to the building that its in and try and follow the signs to the library, passing a red door that seems REALLY inconspicuous. Following, you keep walking until you can't find it anymore and then you ask someone, in your botched Italian, where the fuck the stupid Art History library is (because its NOT in the general library, OH NEVER).
Of course they tell you it was the red door because its always the red door. No sign, no window in, no nothing. Thats how all their libraries are--there's no general set of stacks where most books are like NORMAL libraries. Everything's separated and they're all hidden in small halways and different buildings.

Whatever, you go there and tell the guy you've requested books and he FINALLY gives them to you, telling you that you have to bring one of them back within 6 hours but it doesn't matter anyway because of course its in a language that you barely skim the surface on when it comes to understanding.

This, ladies and gents, is the backward, most unhappy first world nation that I live in and somehow love. I have about a month left here. I can't even begin to tell you how I feel about it because I'm not really sure I know.

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